Sunday, April 7, 2013

Tofu Masala

     I haven't blogged in a while.  I was planning an Easter post last week but my Pinterest recipe was an epic bomb!  I made Easter egg cookies that called for crunchy Asian noodles.  I bought Chow Mein Noodles and my cookies were basically raw noodles covered in chocolate.  They looked pretty but were inedible.  I reverted to easy go to recipes for lunch and meals this week, so there has been nothing new to write about.  Baby food has also consumed a lot of my time.  It is tough keeping up with providing Wren with a wide variety of choices!  She is loving finger foods and feeding herself. 
     In an effort to get back on track with trying new foods and cooking, I decided to use the block of tofu sitting in my fridge.  The end result was a delicious Indian inspired meal.

Tofu Masala

14 oz tofu (extra firm)-press to remove excess water and cut into cubes
10 almonds
6 cashews
1 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp tumeric
2 tsp codiander
salt to taste
1 tsp cilantro, chopped
3 tsp oil
2 medium onions
2 medium tomatoes
1 tbsp ginger
3 cloves garlic

1. Cut the onions and tomatoes into large chunks.  Combine them in a microwave safe bowl, along with the ginger and garlic.  Add a teaspoon of oil and microwave for 2 minutes.  Allow to cool and then puree in the food processor.
2. Soak the nuts in water for 30 minutes.  Next, puree them, adding a little almond milk, to form a paste.
3. Add a teaspoon of oil to a pan over medium high heat.  Fry your tofu until all sides are brown.
4. In a separate pan, heat the tomato mixture.  After 2 minutes, add the spices. Then transfer tofu, the nut paste, and 1/2 cup of water.
5. Bring the mixture to a boil and then stir in cilantro before serving.


Checking our her Easter basket with a little help from Moose.

Mastering the sippy cup.

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Getting tucked in for a ride....

Happy girl.


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