Monday, June 3, 2013

Homemade Almond Butter

     Arnauld recently got hooked on a new snack, almond butter.  We have purchase jars from Trader Joe's and occasionally Whole Foods.  Well, for about the last 3 weeks, almond butter has fallen off the face of the earth.  Every time I'm at the store, I search the shelves hoping to surprise Arnauld with a special treat (for those who know him, there aren't many sweet treats that get him too excited...).  No luck.  I finally got around to reading about how to make my own and I found out that it's pretty easy!  The recipe I read online had a lot of information about raw almonds vs. roasted almonds and the amount of time it takes for almonds to actually turn to a buttery consistency.  Roasted almonds are best because in the amount of time it takes the almonds to break down, the mixture gets pretty warm.  In the end, the almonds are cooked and the whole process just takes less time if you start with pre-roasted almonds.  The site I read also said that in the food processor, the process can take up to 20 minutes...that's a long time grinding!  It didn't end up taking me that long and the results were fantastic.  Of course, I was so proud to share my creation with Arnauld, who quickly informed me that he prefers chunky.  I quickly chopped a few more almonds, stirred them in, and the process was complete.  No bits of hard shell and it even turned out cheaper than buying the pre-made stuff.

Almond Butter

3 cups almonds

1. Place 3 cups of almonds in the food processor.
2. Puree until the almonds oils have been released and the almond butter is at a consistency that you like.  This may take anywhere from 8-20 minutes, depending on your food processor.  If the nuts stick to the side of the bowl, use a spatula to scrape them down.
3. Store almond butter in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

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